Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2018

Can you eat before exercise?

Some think eating before sports is legitimate, but some do not agree. What is the fact?

Are you the type of person who always eats before exercising to get energy, or doesn't eat because he is worried about making a stomach ache? The results of a recent study from the American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism states that people should not eat before exercising. At least for men who are overweight.

Pros and cons of eating before exercise
Researchers say that fasting before aerobic exercise will result in higher levels of fat burning than exercising after eating. These results confirm the findings of a similar study in the British Journal of Nutrition in 2016 ago.

Other studies say that fasting before exercise, for example skipping breakfast, can result in an increase in fat burning by 20 percent compared to eating before exercise.

But apparently, this is contrary to another study. According to Jennifer Lea, a researcher from the Johnson & Johnson Human Performance Institute, from a performance standpoint, you are better off eating before exercising.

"Food is fuel, and people will work better when they have fuel in their bodies before doing activities," Lea said. Despite the many contradictions among experts, eating before long-term exercise may be beneficial.

Eating after exercise remains beneficial
Most scientists agree that eating after exercise can be beneficial. Research shows that some nutrients, especially proteins and carbohydrates, can help your body recover and adapt after exercise.

Eating after exercise is also very important if you don't eat before exercise. Why?

If you eat several hours before exercising, the nutrients you consume may still be in the blood during and after exercise. These nutrients can also help recovery.

However, if you choose to exercise on an empty stomach, your body will use its own energy to exercise. Moreover, the available nutrients will be limited to recovery. In this case, it is very important for you to eat something immediately after exercising.

Intake before and after exercise
The following intake is suitable for consumption before and after exercise:

Cereal or whole grain bread
Wheat contains fiber that is good for consumption 30 minutes before exercise. Carbohydrates in wheat will also keep energy awake during exercise.

Low fat milk
High-protein milk is very useful in the process of muscle rehabilitation after sports activities. In addition, high-protein milk is also able to prevent muscle damage.

Bananas are rich in carbohydrates and are very easy to digest by the body. However, potassium in bananas cannot last long in the body. Therefore, eat bananas 30 minutes before exercise to keep carbohydrate and potassium levels in the blood high.

Yogurt and fruit
Fruit contains carbohydrates that are easily broken down into energy. While yogurt stores good protein to help muscle rehabilitation after exercise.

In conclusion, there are still many contradictions among experts regarding the importance of eating before exercise. However, eating before exercise is recommended if you want to do long-term exercise. If indeed you prefer to eat before exercise, of course this is not a problem as long as the food chosen is healthy.

Tips for Caring for Stroke Patients at Home

Taking care of stroke patients at home requires special techniques so that the patient's health condition is maintained. Check out the tips below.

Data obtained from the Evidence Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation states that stroke and heart attack are the most deadly and costly cardiovascular diseases.

The results of the research show that cases of death from this disease rose by 1.9 percent every year, seeing graph movements from 1990 to 2013. In terms of medical costs, the potential losses due to this disease reached 41 thousand trillion. This number is obtained after using the Reynolds Scores method calculation.

Treatment of stroke patients at home
With the higher risk of stroke, then you need to know how to trick when treating stroke patients. Not only need to be known by people who are treating patients with this disease, you also need to educate yourself just in case.

The following are things that need to be considered when treating stroke patients at home :

Always accompany
Treat yourself like his personal assistant. If the patient has not been able to move on his own, help him when he wants to move and provide a buffer if necessary. Try to keep patients comfortable.

Invite patients to move
Train the limbs of the patient by moving all the joints on his body for two days regularly. This can prevent stiffness in weak parts of the patient's body.

"Move your limbs slowly in a bent and straight direction. This method can stimulate brain cells to move these parts of the body, "explained Dr. Vita.

Help with walking and swallowing exercises
Stroke patients often experience swallowing disorders. So, help him to position the patient to sit upright, about 60̊-90̊ Celsius when eating.

When the patient is about to swallow the food, give direction to turn the head to the weak side, bend the neck and head. It is intended that the patient's airway is easy to close when swallowing food.

If there are weaknesses in the lower limbs, you can train them to walk and maintain their balance when standing.

Talk to me
So that patients can return to communicate smoothly, often invite them to chat. When talking, face your face to the patient, so that he can see the lips and facial expressions. Try to speak calmly and slowly, and with a low intonation.

Train brain health
Help the patient to train his brain by giving information about the day, time, and remembering the names of the people around him. Thus, cells in the brain will work actively, and this method can help speed up the patient's recovery process.

Avoid giving a soft mattress
Described by Dr. Vita, a soft bed or mattress can make the muscles of the body experience weakness in muscle strength. Therefore, as much as possible avoid this. You can consult with your doctor about what type of mattress should be used.

Create a safe environment
However, to maintain patient safety, keep it away from items or something dangerous. For example, you can set the bed so that it is not too high and put things needed in the patient's reach.

Do not forget, make sure also the bathroom area using a mat that is anti-slippery, so that patients do not easily slip or fall.

Caring for sick people is not easy, especially when done at a home away from medical personnel. Therefore, as the person who takes care of him, you must equip yourself with the right tips. If you are treating a stroke patient, do the various methods above so that the patient's condition can improve immediately.

Jumat, 26 Oktober 2018

Abstinence for Women Who Want to Get Pregnant Fast

Already participating in the pregnant program, but the test pack has not been positive. Try checking, are you still doing restrictions that can reduce the chances of getting pregnant quickly

There are couples who do not plan a pregnancy, but soon become pregnant shortly after marriage or without participating in any pregnancy program. There are also those who have been married long enough, have participated in a pregnancy program, but never get pregnant too. What is wrong?

Although the causes vary, but you and your partner may (unconsciously) do various abstinence that can actually reduce your chances of getting pregnant quickly.

In fact, about 84 percent of couples in the general population will become pregnant within the first year of marriage if they have irregular intercourse without contraception. If pregnancy does not occur in the first year of marriage, 50 percent will become pregnant in the second year.

The probability of pregnancy will increase if you and your partner are in good health. Lifestyle changes can increase the chances of pregnancy and help you prepare and undergo a healthy pregnancy.

Do you and / or your partner still do these restrictions?
If you have been married long enough, crave the presence of a baby, but test packs continue to show negative results, try, check out your habits and your partner. It could be that you both still do things that are actually taboo for women who want to get pregnant quickly.

Smoking habits can interfere with the fertility of women and men. In women, cigarettes make the uterus less receptive to the results of conception. Women who smoke prove to be more difficult to conceive and are more prone to have eggs with genetic disorders.

In men, smoking causes damage to sperm DNA and decreases sperm production. Therefore, couples who are preparing for pregnancy should stop smoking before trying to get pregnant.

Caffeine consumption and alcoholic beverages
Excessive consumption of alcohol and coffee can interfere with women's fertility. Coffee consumption of more than 5 cups a day (equivalent to 500 mg of caffeine) can reduce fertility. Caffeine consumption which is still within normal limits is a maximum of 200 mg per day.

Do you still drink alcohol? It's better to stop immediately if you want to get pregnant. In fact, consumption of 2 glasses of alcoholic beverages per day can reduce fertility by 60 percent. In addition, alcohol can also increase the risk of abnormalities in the fetus.

Excess body weight (obesity)
Excess body weight can also reduce fertility. Too much fat or too little can interfere with the menstrual cycle, which in turn can interfere with fertility. Remember, the ideal body mass index is 20-25.

Try increasing your fertility by applying a healthy diet. Whatever is consumed will affect nutrition, cell function, hormone function, and of course fertility.

Not infrequently doctors will emphasize healthy eating patterns during pregnancy preparation. Don't forget to take supplements recommended by your doctor if you can't consume certain types of food to meet your nutritional needs.

Having sex too often
Not infrequently couples who are preparing for pregnancy assume that the more frequent sex, the chance of pregnancy will increase. This assumption is wrong.

Regular sex is recommended 2-3 times per week. Having sex too often or too rarely can affect the sperm's quality.

Meanwhile, what about couples who have sexual relations only during fertility? This is legitimate for women who have regular menstrual cycles, so that the fertile period can be estimated easily.

However, in a number of studies show, too obeying a sex schedule that only focuses on fertility turns out to stress the couple to give their best performance. Keep in mind that sex should be a pleasant experience for you and your partner.

Stress is one of the factors that can interfere with the pregnancy program. Stressful conditions in couples have been clinically proven to interfere with the performance and function of the reproductive system, which in turn can affect the process of pregnancy.

Therefore, for couples who are undergoing a pregnancy preparation process, it is better to look for joint activities, hobbies, yoga classes, or other activities that can reduce stress.

Sometimes, you need extra (more) effort to reach pregnancy. In addition to implementing a healthy lifestyle, avoid the restrictions mentioned above so you can get pregnant quickly. If everything has been done but pregnancy is not obtained, invite your partner to consult with your obstetrician. May the baby come soon in your life, huh!

Do this so you avoid the risk of DVT

DVT or blood vessel blockage in the lower limbs can cause sudden death. Do this to prevent it.

DVT or deep vein thrombosis is a disease characterized by blockage of veins in the lower limbs. The study noted that 3 out of 100 sufferers of the disease experience sudden death.

DVT provides typical symptoms of swelling in the lower limbs, generally on one side only (left or right leg). In addition to swelling, the legs that experience DVT will also feel pain if used for walking, and have skin that looks more red and warm to the touch.

The dangerous thing that can be caused by DVT is its complications, namely pulmonary embolism. This situation occurs if a blood clot that obstructs the leg veins suddenly releases, then clogs the blood vessels in the lungs.

Pulmonary embolism causes severe shortness of breath, chest pain, and loss of consciousness due to the cessation of blood flow to the lungs. This is what causes sudden death in patients with DVT.

Who is susceptible to experiencing DVT?
DVT is generally more common in people with the following conditions:

  • More than 50 years old
  • Are pregnant or have just given birth
  • Injured to the limbs
  • Broken bones in the hip, upper or lower limbs
  • Just had surgery
  • Lie down for a long time due to illness (for example due to a stroke)
  • Have a severe infection
  • Suffering from cancer
  • Have a smoking habit
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Sit for a very long time, for example when traveling by plane
  • There is a history of DVT in the family

How to prevent DVT?
Although it can take lives, DVT can be prevented. The trick is to implement a healthy lifestyle. Specifically, here are some things that need to be applied to prevent DVT:
  1. Maintaining an ideal body weight. If you are overweight, exercise and adjust your diet to lose weight to the ideal range.
  2. Do moderate physical activity, such as brisk walking, jogging, or cycling for 30 minutes every day.
  3. Avoid silence or sit still for more than two hours. If you have to stand or sit for a long time, move your legs and feet periodically.
  4. Drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day.
  5. As much as possible avoid using hormonal contraception or other hormonal drugs. Or, if you have to use the drug, consult a doctor about how much the risk of DVT is.
  6. If you have a condition that makes you more susceptible to DVT, talk to your doctor about the need for regular consumption of blood thinning medications or use of compression stockings in the limb area.
Because DVT often occurs in people who are traveling, it is very important to take precautions when traveling. If you want to travel long distances by airplane or train, here are things you must do to avoid DVT:

  • Use trousers with loose material. Avoid tight ingredients, because it can interfere with the smooth flow of blood.
  • Avoid crossing your legs during the trip.
  • Move as much as possible. Every two hours, provide a few minutes to go to the bathroom or just take a walk in the aisle or train.
  • Keep drinking enough water.
  • Avoid consuming alcohol or sleeping pills during the trip.
  • Choose comfortable socks and shoes
Always remember that DVT disease can cause deadly complications in people who experience it. Therefore, immediately apply a healthy lifestyle and do a series of efforts mentioned above. Thus, this terrible state does not happen to you. Greetings!

Getting to Know the Benefits and Risks of Jogging Every Day

Jogging every day is good for your body's health. Even so, the activity turned out to also bring its own risk.

Jogging or running constantly with maintained speed is one of the many sports that are popular with the public. Because the type of physical activity is relatively cheap and easy to practice.

As you know, jogging is included in cardio training that is popular among sports lovers. This activity is a type of activity that can pump the heart quickly.

If explained, jogging can provide various benefits as follows:

Reducing the risk of death from disease
Studies show that jogging for 5 to 10 minutes every day at medium speed can help reduce the risk of death from heart attacks, strokes, and other common diseases.

Improve lung health
Regular jogging will strengthen and increase lung capacity. As a result, you can do heavier exercise more easily. • Keeping bones and joints Bones will get stronger and your joints will become more flexible with a jogging routine. Thus, you will avoid osteoarthritis or osteoporosis.

Sharpen the brain
Jogging is also good for brain health. Studies prove that jogging plays a role in making neurons. The more neurons, the sharper the ability of your brain.

When jogging, the body releases endorphins which trigger feelings of happiness. Therefore, after jogging you will usually experience euphoria which is often referred to as a runner's high.

Excellent immune system
Jogging can improve the immune system. This means, your risk of experiencing an infectious disease becomes smaller.

Behind the benefits, jogging can also have negative effects. Reporting from, research shows that the benefits of jogging can only be obtained if you do it for 4.5 hours per week.

This means, jogging every day - especially with excessive duration - can have a negative impact on health. One of the most common conditions due to excessive jogging is injury.

Knowing these things, you are advised not to jog every day, or excessively. You have to set a schedule for exercise and rest in such a way that everything stays balanced. As such, what you are aiming for is truly on target. You don't want sports that should be healthy and even have the opposite effect, right?